It is Compulsory to pay the first term fee along with the admission form at the school office. All payments to the school will be made through cash/online/RTGS/NEFT/card payment etc. Fees once paid shall be strictly non-refundable. Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis and space is limited. Admission will be confirmed only after payment of required documents and first term fee.
We conduct pre-admission test for concerned students without direct admission…
Then the admission process is as follows…
Collect and fill the admission form from the school.
Please submit the completed application along with the following documents to the school office:
a) Photocopy of student’s birth certificate.
b) Photocopy of student’s Aadhar card.
c) School Leaving Certificate (may be submitted later if not available at present).
d) Previous School UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) of present school (after class 2).
e) Photocopy of student’s previous/present class report card (after class 2).
f) 2 passport size photographs of the student.
g) Student’s school record (cumulative book)
h) Caste certificate. (if applicable).